Axiomization is the monologic dictation of the infinite toward the finite. Paradoxically, the correct relationship between the infinite and the finite is dialogic, an infinitely modulating feedback loop (i.e. basins of attraction -- attractors -- are places where potentially-causative infinities reside, waiting until the finite is pushed across the event horizon by its own momentum). This is the implication of Goedel, I think. Cantor, with his theory of sets, showed different types of infinities. G showed that no fixed system, no matter how complicated, could represent the complexity of the whole numbers. Geometrization is the codification of B-theoretical truth at the expense of A-theoretical truth. But it is at the point of A-theoretical being, the nunc fluens, where one finds the dialogic strange loop between the infinite and the finite -- where one finds the melody of ontology. It is precisely the fact of ontological melody that Einstein's space-time geometry disallows -- the Now where actualization actualizes, where becoming becomes , where existence exists.
The implication is that no infinites are infinitely actual; the "flowing Now" is always already path-dependent (i.e. subject to nested loops). Standing on the moon was impossible until it wasn't. Time-travel is impossible until it isn't. Heavy elements, organic life, sentience -- all these were once eternally impossible; now they are extant features of our temporal universe. Rule-based impossibilities are inherently suspect.
The work of Escher: true Chiaroscuro. Light only exists where Darkness is absent, and objective existence emerges from the dialogic light-dark imagination.
The implication is that no infinites are infinitely actual; the "flowing Now" is always already path-dependent (i.e. subject to nested loops). Standing on the moon was impossible until it wasn't. Time-travel is impossible until it isn't. Heavy elements, organic life, sentience -- all these were once eternally impossible; now they are extant features of our temporal universe. Rule-based impossibilities are inherently suspect.
The work of Escher: true Chiaroscuro. Light only exists where Darkness is absent, and objective existence emerges from the dialogic light-dark imagination.

Nested truths and the Idea of the Good:
Not all melodies can be included in the higher harmonies: a hard truth for das Ich, a necessary truth for the superorganism.
Light was darkness until it shone and consciousness was...
and conscience was...
and beauty, wisdom, truth, liberty, courage, love....."flowing now"-"nested loops"?
Trip the light fantastic!
Indeed, mortals merely dream of slipping the surly bonds of mundane material existence while "deeds can't dream what dreams can do."
My reach ever exeeds my grasp. I am humbled by this in a most profound way.
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